This page serves as a repository for myself as well as an open source page for me to share all my code with whomever may stumble across it. I have benefited greatly from the open source communities that are established in R, Python, HTML/CSS/PHP etc. and therefore feel that I should reciprocate by sharing the code that I have used and consistently reference when writing new code.

You can find a write-up of a final project from a PhD level deep learning course I took at CMU that accompanies the last python script listed.

R scripts and outputs
Sample Study Analysis: [script] [output]
DOSPERT Analysis: [script] [output]
Intertemporal Choice Script: [script] [output]
Basic Functions and Reference: [script]
Python scripts
Simple MLP: [script]
Attention-based E2E Speech-to-Text NN: [script]
Clinical BERT with context: [script]
Qualtrics tasks scripts and outputs
String Encryption with Cheating: [script] [output]
String Encryption: [script] [output]
Drag and Drop: [script] [output]
Word Encryption: [script] [output]
Roulette Wheel: [script] [output]